Wednesday, May 13, 2020

International Quit-Your-Crappy-Job-Day - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog

International Quit-Your-Crappy-Job-Day - The Chief Happiness Officer Blog I had a straaaaaaange idea the other day: What if every single person on the planet who doesnt like their job quit on the same day? Lets call it International Quit-Your-Crappy-Job-Day. Yeah, yeah, I know, chaos would ensue because all the bad jobs are now not being done. Garbage wouldnt get picked up, sewers wouldnt be cleaned, etc. etc. etc. But many garbage men love their jobs. So do many airport baggage handlers, inner city teachers, taxi drivers and other holders of jobs that many think must be awful. So maybe its not the jobs. Maybe its the workplaces, the managers, the culture, the whatever that make people hate their jobs And maybe if all the people who hate their jobs quit at the same time, John Smith, the CEO who runs SmithCo with an iron fist and who just lost 63% of his employees would be forced to rethink his ways. Or would simply be out of business. This would be the ultimate, very loud wake-up call for every company where employees hate the boss, hate work, are bullied, are sexually harassed, are discriminated against and/or only come in for the pay check. And maybe on the same day where the mortuary worker quits the job hes hated for years, that job as a park ranger becomes free and he can finally get that job outside in the fresh air hes always dreamed about. The park ranger gets the bartending job he wanted, the bartender becomes a cab driver and the cab driver goes to work in the mortuary. Remember: One persons dream job is another persons living hell. The longer you stay in that crappy job, the longer youre keeping someone who might actually love it from getting it. This is not an actual proposal for action. This is more of gedankenexperiment. What do you think? Thanks for visiting my blog. If you're new here, you should check out this list of my 10 most popular articles. And if you want more great tips and ideas you should check out our newsletter about happiness at work. It's great and it's free :-)Share this:LinkedInFacebookTwitterRedditPinterest Related

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